The Kindergarteners started classes in the computer lab last week!  They learned some technology vocabulary and created pictures using the digital drawing tools in Kid Pix.  Keyboarding is a life-long skill;  ask your third or fourth grader about his or her progress  in typing this year.  The fifth graders are
currently practicing their keyboarding skills twice a week. The website they use is
Typing Web.  The students are encouraged to practice at home as well.

There are many different digital tools for teaching and learning.  Currently our 6th– 8th graders are creating Glogs, online multimedia posters, using Glogster EDU.  
Our 5th graders are learning how to use Google forms to make electronic surveys.  


The Common Sense Media Blog supports parents in making sense of the media.  Check out this blog for movie and TV reviews.  Once you are there you will be able to explore other resources for parents as well.  The Learning Commons Staff uses the Common Sense Media curriculum to teach digital citizenship to our students.